Taylor Swift Tag: The Swiftie

Friday, January 19, 2018

Nyomot dari blog-nya Endah hehehe. Jadi ini pertama kalinya bikin tag-tagan gini, enggak tahu faedahnya apa, tapi kayaknya asik aja hahaha. Sekalian merayakan rilisnya Reputation yang udah lewat beberapa bulan lalu, dan menebus dosa sama Neng Tay-Tay karena akhir-akhir ini lebih banyak protes dan nyinyir daripada memuja beliau ahahaha...

1. What was your first impression of Taylor Swift?

2. First Taylor Swift song you ever heard?
"You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset. She's going off about something that you said. Cause she doesnt get your humor like I do~" -You Belong with Me

3. What's your favorite music video? And what's your least favorite music video?
Most favorite ever, MINE karena di situ bisa lihat Tay punya keluarga bahagia, suami ganteng, anak-anak lucu gemesin :D. Least favorite adalah Ready for It karena hmmmmm.... bahkan aku enggak nonton MV-nya sampai habis. Bhay.

4. What's your favorite song? What's your least favorite song? And what song you wish had a video?
Satu-satu jawabnya yaa... favorite song ever enggak bisa milih antara Love Story dan Mine, dua-duanya lagu terbaik Tay menurutku. Least favorite song Bad Blood, entah kenapa kok terasa annoying gitu lagunya hahaha. And... song that I wish had a video apa yaaa? Oh aku tahu, Speak Now! Bayangin videonya yaa persis sama kayak liriknya aja, lucu kayaknya nanti Tay ceritanya jadi wedding singernya hahaha.

5. When did you become an official Swiftie?
Official maksudnya gimana ya? Aku enggak ada ikutan fanclub gitu sih, fangirling sendirian aja hahaha.. Tapi kalau menetapkan diri sebagai Swiftie kayaknya sekitar 2007an kali ya?

6. Have you met Taylor Swift? What's your favorite live performance of her?
RED TOUR JAKARTA tahun 2014 itu the best day of my life ever deh! Kalau mau bisa baca ceritanya DI SINI hehehe. Favorite live performance, kalau dari Red Tour Jakarta pas Love Story, sumpah dia sweet banget pakai dress panjang terus dansa sama dancer-nya uhuhu mau lihat lagiii.

Tapi kalau favorite live performance evernya Tay sih, ini:

7. Favorite dress she's worn?
This Elie Saab's turquoise dress at 57th Annual Grammy Awards! feat my drawing of her hehehe, maaf ya kepedean.

Image lupa nyomot di mana, udah lama ada di folder. Tapi sketsanya bikinan aku sendiri.
8. Favorite lyric?
"You said, 'I remember how we felt sitting by the water. And everytime I look at you, it's like the first time. I fell in love with the careless man's careful daughter. She's the best thing that ever been mine."

9. Which song do you relate to the most?
Apa yah, kayaknya Enchanted ahahaha. Pernah nyanyiin di depan orang yang bikin I feel enchanted tapi tentu aja orangnya enggak tahu hahahaha.

10. What do you wish/hope for on her next album?
Ugh how I wish she will be back to country genre. Performing with her curly hair and cute dress. Hahaha maafkan saya enggak bisa move on :((. And another sweet duet with Ed Sheeran please...

11. What album is your favorite?
Definitely Speak Now, the best era ever! Lagu-lagunya semua aku sukaaa! Kalau kalian baru kenal Taylor Swift pas baca postingan ini, atau kenal sejak era 1989, WAJIB BANGET DENGERIN ALBUM INI. The best from Taylor.

12. What would you say to her right now?
Hey Tay, can I see 'the old Taylor' once again?

13. Who should she do a duet with?
Menurutku Tay paling klop banget duet sama Ed Sheeran. Tapi please lagunya semacam Everything Has Changed atau Perfect jangan kayak End Game ahahah pilih-pilih :p

Okay, finiiiisshhh...

Maaf yaa kalau jawabannya jadi terkesan aku enggak bisa move on dari the old Taylor, tapi ya kenyataannya memang begitu huhuhu. Jujur banget nih, aku kurang sreg sama album terbaru Taylor, Reputation. Ya masa dari total 15 lagu yang sukses nyangkut di hati cuma New Year's Day sama Gorgeous doang sih? Dan terutama aku kecewa banget sama End Game. Aku nunggu-nunggu Tay duet lagi sama Ed tapi enggak gini yaa hahaha. Tapi di MV mereka cute banget lhoo, aku sukaaa banget lihat keakraban Tay dan Ed, gemeeesss...

Nah, if you're a Swiftie too, feel free to make this tag and let me know about that, okay?

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